We're Innovating our CMS reference image

Making it easy for clients to update their site

We spend a lot of time here at RAZOR Web Design building our own in-house CMS system - most people use Wordpress generally however we have made ourselves unique since day-one in the sense that we do not use an off-the-shelf CMS system. We have our own system that we supply our clients.

Since inception of our first CMS system dubbed 'Zulu' in 2011 - we are now on 3rd full re-incarnation of the system. Our system basically does two things; first is makes it easy for us to make the website for client, and second makes it easy for the client to make changes themselves going forward.

With traditional systems like Wordpress - it can be often hard to get a website exactly how the client wants it - mainly due to its more complex and rigid framework. Whereas our CMS is light-weight and modular, making it easy for us to create new features exactly to the clients requirements.

Since Zulu is so light-weight, its fast to load and use for the browser of the site. There aren't a multitude of plugins, or dozens of JavaScript libraries to load, instead - Zulu loads just what it needs and nothing more. Therefore we ensure fast page-loading times.

A study showed that a tenth of a second page speed increase - helped big players like Amazon and eBay make millions of more dollars per year. Yes, the speed increase of a tenth of a second alone, secured millions of more dollars in sales. How does that relate? Well a site that loads quicker at the end of the day is going to keep the user longer, therefore increasing the likelihood of them making a sale or enquiry with you!

Our latest innovation just released is a new content builder tool - which makes it even easier for our clients to edit there website - it incorporates a functional, simple drag & drop like editing tool to make changes to your website.

When creating pages used to take 15 minutes or so - we now have this number down to just 5 minutes. How come? Because we've reduced the number of clicks and keystrokes required to make additions to a page. Want a photo loaded? Just 2 clicks, want some fancy big buttons? Just a few more.

"We are really happy with the innovations we've made to Zulu over the past few months - and think our clients will love them. Its all about making it easy for them to edit their website. Because some people don't have the budget to necessarily pay us or other web developers to do this for them!" - Matt Reid, director at RAZOR Web Design.

Other intuitive features will be added throughout 2018 - mainly to our e-commerce system to help convert more sales and also attract back existing customers to the website. Thus earning our clients more in sales revenue through smart follow-up and email automation.