What on Earth is Remarketing? reference image

Advertise To Those You Would Have Otherwise Lost

Since the inception of the internet in the public domain back in the early 90’s, the internet has the been the one sole thing that has really shifted the way people do things. Remember when contact was only possible by phone, fax, and mail? Remember when to bank, you’d have to go to the actual bank!

With the internet being saturated with literally millions upon millions of websites, and many advertising methodologies being exhausted it is hard to really stand-out. Now remarking has been around some time now but if you’re reading this article you probably don’t know about it, right? Or you want to know more about it.

Remarketing has a slightly different take on standard Google Search and Google Display advertising, its basically where you can target people who have visited your website with ads.

So those who have already visited your website and had a look around, start to see ads about your business, product, or service. These ads will show up on other websites, as well as Apps too.

Basically the core philosophy behind it is:

  • People are busy
  • People get distracted
  • People like to shop around
  • People aren’t ready quite yet

Think of it, a mum shopping online for her babies clothing may be quickly called away to tend the crying child totally forgetting about what she was doing.

Now there are two ways this can go, and you’re probably going to be part of the unfortunate group in the first option.

The mum leaves the site, never to return again, because later that night she can’t remember off the top of her head what website she was on.

The mum leaves the site, and then once back later that evening while browsing a baby forum website she's a member of, a nice big banner for that clothing store pops up in her face! "Oh, yes! Forgot about that!”, she says, clicking the link anxiously.

Wouldn’t it be great to have your website pop-up in front of people who leave? Once they’re gone, they’re gone so you may as well make use of Remarketing technology on your website. Because while several of them may have not liked what you’re offering, there will still be a few who are actually interested and wanting to think about it!

It can take up to eight times for someone to repeatedly see a brand, product, or offer before they actually get convinced enough to take action and make an enquiry or buy! Remarketing is affordable, its generally a lot cheaper than normal Google Ads. Some clients I’ve had pay like four cents a click, that's insanely cheap! So set it up and let it run permanently. At the end of the day the cost is in ratio to the volume of people visiting your site, so if you have 400 visitors a month, then your cost is going to be pretty low, however if you’re attracting 10,000 a month, it will cost a bit more but then think of the potential sales you could have from a group that size with remarketing? Do the math!